These ‘favourites’ pages display vessels, I have kept over time, as a catalogue of techniques and interesting outcomes. I also briefly outline the making process.
These are two tiny dishes made at the end of my study at ANU.
The spotted dish was a very simple design of coloured logs surrounded by white clay, formed into a triangle wedge, sliced up and joined together in a mould. I love the slight movement of the red colour on the joins.
The larger, intricate dish, was made from very small logs of colour, some with black surrounds, others with white surrounds. The logs were pushed into a triangular wedge, sliced and joined in a larger dish mould.
This dotted bowl was produced using a really simple technique. Logs of different thicknesses of orange clay were sliced and pushed into thick white slip inside a water saturated mould. This was a very slow process placing each dot individually but I loved the result.
A framed dish made from a small log cut and joined to form a repeating pattern. The log was not completely consistent all the way through and it was this slight change in the log’s construction that made the pattern more interesting. The dish has a low foot attached to elevate it slightly.
This was a complex vessel to make from slabs of different patterns. The base was thrown and the slab of joined patterns was built onto the base. My favourite pattern in this vessel is the graded blue colour. It was made from a slab of graded blue colour that was cut up and repositioned to produce the juxtapositions of the graded tones with a thin red definition line. It provides a wonderful 3D effect.
I love the movement in this dish. It’s a layering of different thicknesses of yellow, red and white. The middle section is a slab of the layers cut and slightly repositioned to provide the movement and interest in the piece. Framed in white it was easily curved in a large dish mould.
This bowl was made from an inlaid slip casting process. The log is a simple mono coloured construction of white clay separated by red slip lines. The sliced pieces were cut and attached to the mould before being encased in casting slip. Once set up the inside was wiped back to reveal the pattern on the inside.